10th Social Business Design Lab

The 10th Social Business Design Lab took place on 21 December 2013 at Grameen Auditorium. About 150 participants from different organizations including representatives from national and international NGOs, business leaders, academics, specialists and students from home and abroad attended in the event.

The Social Business Design Lab was chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus . The program was divided in three parts - update of past social business projects, new project presentation and group discussion suggesting improvements on those projects. Six new social business plans were presented in the design lab. Each of them was intensively discussed in different groups which came up with necessary recommendations. All the projects gave its time-line for implementation. The participants selected one Project Bondhu (Project Buddy) for each project to act as a mentor to finalize the plan. Professor Yunus thanked the participants for coming up with innovative social business plans and encouraged the designers to implement the projects.

02 Jan, 2014 Yunus Centre Grameen Bank Bhaban 16th Floor Mirpur 2, Dhaka 1216 05:37 AM