Yunus Centre Press Release (August 10, 2016)
Mayor Anne Hidalgo hosted a dinner for Nobel laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. The dinner took place at the magnificent Club de France, the French Olympic House during the Rio 2016 games. During the dinner she requested Professor Yunus to advise her on addressing the problem poverty in St Denis, the northern poor section of Paris city. She invited the top executives of National Olympic Committee (NOC) to join in the dinner.
She requested them to put the support of the NOC to collaborate with Yunus to make his work successful. This work will also include helping the retired athletes to find dignified professions. She invited Professor Yunus to visit Paris soon to discuss the details of the collaboration. Professor invited the Mayor to visit Bangladesh to attend Social Business Day in June, 2017 to get an orientation on the social businesses around the world.
The dinner was joined by the top executives of the National Olympic Committee including Mr Tony Estanguet, Co-President of the Paris 2024 Candidate Committee and three time Olympic gold medallist canoeist, Etienne Thobois, the CEO of the Committee for Candidate city of Paris for 2024, They were also joined by the President and Vice President of the French National Olympic Committees.
Mayor of Paris invited Professor Yunus to come to Paris as her guest to familiarize himself with the problems of St Denis, and hold meetings with all stakeholders to design a social business program to transform St Denis.
Professor Yunus assured the Mayor that he would try to visit Paris soon. He also informed her that he would be in Paris on November 9-10 for the Global Social Business Academia Conference. He would plan to spend some additional days in St Denis.
Photo Caption 2: Guests at the dinner by Mayor of Paris in Honor of Professor Yunus on August 7 including from left to right Lamiya Morshed, Anne Hidalgo Mayor Prof Yunus Etienne Thobois, President of Candidate City Paris 2024, NIcolas Hazard CEO Comptoir D'Innovation Fund, Tony Estanguet (French triple gold medallist canoeist) Hans Reitz Christina Jaeger
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