Bangladeshi Participants will pay the registration fee in Indian Rupee (INR) by selecting payment method on-spot at Social Business Day 2018 event in Infosys Campus, Electronic City, Bengaluru, India. To confirm registratition you must submit evidence of ticket and visa to your Social Business Pedia account by 10 May, 2018 and bring print copy of the confirmation email along for the on-spot registration.
Indian participants can pay in Indian Rupee (INR) using Instamojo payment Gateway. Please click on the Instamojo icon to see the ticket price in Rupees and complete the registration process.
Other International Participants have to use PayPal to pay the registration fee. Their registration will be confirmed upon receipt of the payment.
For any query regarding registration process please contact:
Step 1: Select payment method and ticket
Step 2: Billing Information
Login if already have account
Fill up account information if new user and continue
Step 3: Billing Information
Step 4: Participant Information
Step 5: Confirm and Pay